Labor Day has come and gone and it is Autumn. Warm days and cooler nights, it is just about the most perfect weather.

I have been wanting to do a Bushel Basket project, but inspiration had not struck. Until…. the New Rustoleum Paints came in. What beautiful colors. Now what to do? Then I saw them.


Beautiful Autumn Colors with such yummy names.

Claret Wine, Warm Caramel, Cinnamon, and a Brown to round it out.

I wanted to do 3 Baskets, so what colors do I want to use? I want to use them all of course.

So with 3 Baskets, 4 Colors of Paint, Blue painters tape and a razor knife I set to work.

This weekend was perfect..perfectly busy, so Monday morning I get started.


  • Tape off the horizontal bands and handles. I tucked it in around the edges that touched the side of the basket and folded it around the edge.
  • Turn the basket upside down and spray evenly. The “2X” does cover extremely well. I only applied one coat of each color.
  • Drying time depends on the environment that you are painting in. I checked for dryness by touching the over spray on the tape.









  • For the plaid design – tape off where you want the color to remain after each color. I cut my tape to the sizes I wanted with a razor knife. I cut it while still on the roll so I was cutting several layers at a time.








  • I started with a base of Warm Caramel.
  • Let it dry about 45 minutes, in the sun at 80 degrees with a slight wind. I told you it was beautiful.
  • Taped off and then spayed on the Claret Wine. Let that dry. Sorry I did not get pictures for each tape application. But you get the idea.
  • Taped off some more, Yes I left all of the layers of tape on through this process. Sprayed on the Cinnamon and let that dry.
  • Lastly I taped off and sprayed on the brown.

The ladies are standing in the shade watching me paint.

I had picked up some beautiful fabric at Zimmerman’s Store in Rutledge to make liners. I had to have a look while the plaid was drying. To tell you the truth I might have to use the material for something else. I love the colors of these baskets. We will see what happens when I get them done.

The Claret Wine Color will be used again at Christmas and I may have to do another plaid one or 2 to go with it. OOOH…a deep dark green…and gold. I can’t wait.


  • After letting it dry it was time for the big reveal I was fun pulling off each layer and seeing the design appear.


Here they are all done. To tell the truth, I kid you not they look great here but better in person.

Come on down to the store and see them for yourself.





The Trucks in the Yard (he is going to fix them up “When he has time”) are sometimes a pain, but what wonderful props they make for this.

The lovely fall flowers were picked with my daughter at Farmhouse Hill Flowers at 32148 Horseshoe Lake Way in Brashear.

Bushel Baskets, Paint and Painters Tape can be purchased here at Edina Farm & Home.



So stop by and see my finished project and look at all of the new paints.

All the colors of the Rainbow and more. There is Chalked Paint and Chalkboard paint. Metalic in different colors. Textured Multi Colored paint, Hammered, Glitter. Such a large variety for you to choose from. You never know what inspiration you might get or what your next project will be. Check out my Blog from 7 May 2019 for more Bushel Basket Ideas.

Stay tuned for future projects and ideas.

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