August is National Catfish Month so hopefully everyone has gotten out to go fishing. Lots of fishing, I hope for you means lots of fish.

In rounding out this month, Friday August 31 is even National Eat Outside Day.

I thought there was no better way to end it than a big fish fry.

It makes me hungry just getting this page ready.   Wednesday is Catfish Day at the Sale Barn Cafe here in Edina. And to day is Thursday 🙁   /\\/\\/\\/\\ That was a quick break to call the Sale Barn Cafe. Dale has some left. Guess what I am having for dinner today. 😉

Sooo… back to the page.

I rounded up a bunch of recipes for Catfish for you to try. I haven’t tried them yet, but I plan on give some of them a go. I challenge all of you to try at least 1 new recipe. I am going to make a Porboy Sandwich today with the fish I get from the Sale Barn Cafe. It looked so yummy in the picture I can’t resist trying it. I have never had one before.

So click here on my link to check out all the recipes. Catfish Recipes

Hope you enjoy some Catfish.

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