It is blazing hot and dry out right now. This is stressful for our chickens and stress means low production. We want to keep them cool and stress free. Happy, healthy chickens means we get EGGS. 

We do many things to help us keep cool in the summer. 

Summer time heat = Swimming, Popsicles, Frozen Treats, Watermelon, Ice Cold Lemonade/Water, Sitting in the Shade, Fans, Air Conditioner. 

Offer some of them or all of them to your chickens and other feathered friends. Maybe not the Lemonade but they will love the rest.

Here is a link to some information and ideas to help you get started. 

Cool Chicks Gone Wild

They use silicone molds in some of these…

HINT…. I reuse my old whip cream & cottage cheese containers. Fill them with leftover vegetables and fruit that is past its prime, fill with water, put the lid on (mine comes with lids/molds do not) and freeze. Pop them out into a feed pan. Edina Farm & Home carries rubber and galvanized feed pans. And watch them enjoy their frozen treat. Cold water and food plus a bit of fun for them.



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